How to Fold a Fitted Sheet

Folding a fitted sheet, with its elastic corners, is one of the most difficult and frustrating things to fold. While rolling it up into a messy ball is easier, it is not better. Here are 5 reasons why you should fold your fitted sheet neatly:

1. It stays wrinkle-free for future use.
2. You will save a lot of space in your linen closet.
3. The linen closet is organized and your extra sheets are easy to find.
4. You will impress your roommates, friends and, best of all, your mother-in-law.
5. You will feel like a more accomplished person.

We have broken down each step, making folding a fitted sheet easy for anyone to do. It’s time to say goodbye to that messy, wrinkly ball and learn how to fold a fitted sheet like a pro.

Here is the 7-step foolproof process and video instructions. Watch the how to fold a fitted sheet video below.

  • Step 1: Take your fresh-from-the-dryer sheet. Holding the fitted sheet length-wise, locate all four corners. How to Fold a Fitted Sheet
  • Step 2: Inside out your sheet and place each hand inside the corners, directly at the seams. Your hands should now be inside each of the sheet’s top two corners and the opening of the sheet should now face your body. How to Fold a Fitted Sheet
  • Step 3: Bring your right hand to your left, grab the corner and flip the right corner of the sheet over the left. Adjust until the two are aligned. Both corners should now be in your left hand. How to Fold a Fitted Sheet
  • Step 4: Run your hand along the front-facing edge of the sheet. Pick up the third corner and tuck corners one and two inside (note: the third corner should be facing inside-out). How to Fold a Fitted Sheet
  • Step 5: Find the last corner and place your hand inside, at the seams. Repeat Step 3 by bringing your right hand to your left. Grab the corner by the seam and flip.
  • Step 6: Adjust and straighten the fitted sheet such that all corners are tucked in to one another. The elasticized edges should form an “L-shape”. How to Fold a Fitted Sheet
  • Step 7: Lay your fitted sheet on a flat surface. Square off the edges and fold into halves, or thirds, depending on the desired size.
  • Hurrah! You've just learned how to fold a fitted sheet!

    How to Fold a Fitted Sheet

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